Live happens, D finished school and is living his dream. Iam trying to get a grip again. Started cold water swimming during Covid, unbelievable kick...
So it has been a bit quiet here...Well Team Dreher didnt quit...Little D started school and there has been some work...The season is about to kick off and there will be more updates and news stay tuned!

IM 70.3 Zell am See
Great location, bad weather, fast race...that about sums it up...

Ironman Regensburg
So I finished my second Ironman distance Tri - 1 hour faster than last year at Challenge Roth... 11:35:30.
On a boiling hot summer day in Regensburg I did very good and even so I wasn't as fast as I hoped in the final marathon I did fine. One very happy dude here.

Season start
Good start into the new season. New PB at the halfmarathon in Kempten in April, with this in the head I did a shortened middle distance in Lindau. While I was very contend with my performance - running had to be done in my planned IM race pace, which meant I couldn't go all out - organisation of the event was a big mess...
Now I am in the final week of peak training before tapering for IM Regensburg and I am beging to feel ready!
Little D also started out great taken first place at the Ottobeuren Kids City Run and at the Kids Triathlon in Schongau...way to go!!!
Spring is around...
First couple of runs outside in shorts and 2 rides on the bike...spring is around and it feels good to leave the winter behind. Foundation seams to be build up good - time to hit the speed work soon...

Xmas & New Years Eve - Reflections on a busy year
The year is coming to an end. A year full of amazing and great experiences that took me to a new level.
Raising my goals keeps me going. Hoping to be and become a better Dad to show Little D what life is all about and what you can achieve when you set your mind right! To never give up because quitting is not an option...and in the end making him proud of his Daddy!
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all my friends and followers out there!

Give for a good cause!
Around Christmas a lot of people & organisations are asking for help and/or our money. Check Robert's project out, it is something very special for a good and great

Off season...
training is in full effect ;-) In betwen I decided to add a short 6.2K race as a speed workout to my schedule...other then that I am doing lots of miles at the moment. A small heel spur on my
left foot is bothering me a bit but I hopr nto get rid off it soon...

Munich Marathon
I finished the season with a new marathon PB, now I finally have a 3 in the front ;-)
The race started really good and despite another short night I had good legs up till 32ks. I was going a bit fast, too fast, in between and had to pay the dues...a young and very nice lady that I had been running with between 7ks and 17 caught me again at around 35ks and pulled me up to 38...otherwise it would have been very close to make the sub 4... because my pace had dropped 90 sec./min...Thanks Rebecca, it really meant a lot to me!
Now Off Season!!!

in the mean time
my little boy did some racing as well - finishing on the podium in all of them...Very proud of him!
- Junior race, Krautheimlauf, Germany, 1st
- Junior Challenge Walchsee Tyrol, Austria, 3rd
- Junior race, 800m, Einstein marathon, Ulm, Germany, 3rd
- Junior race, Buxachtallauf, Memmingen, Germany, 2nd
Halfmarathon Ulm
because I didn't feel like off season yet I decided to do the halfmarathon in Ulm to see if I can do a new PB. It didn't look good since I had to work the night before and ended up with just 30min ''sleep'' in the car before the race. With tempreture around 15 C and light rain I ended up with having an awesome race and managed to run a new PB with 1:38:04...So this meant I had to sign up for Munich marathon...

more racing
at the end of August I decided to do a almost local sprint Tri, the Saege Triathlon hosted by Daniel Unger in Bad Saulgau. Despite the fact that it was a very hot day I did pretty good.
So I felt ready for my season closing at the Ratingen Triathlon...The race director offered me a hotel room since I had 550KM one way to get there...So in a way I got a profesional treatment...Unfortunatly I didn't get lucky with the weather that day an it rained during the bike stage...but it was fun except for the 6 hour drive home right after the race...My legs hurted more from sitting in the car than from doing the race.
upcoming races
looks like 5150 Berlin has been cancled, at last it can't be found on any official pages anymore...After some searching I decided to do the Traithlon Ratingen as my last race for this
is not close by either but not as far as Berlin...Excited to go and see something new...(though I don't really like swimming in a pool...)
Back in training
I started some easy training again this week...And I'm planing the rest of the season...I might do the 5150 Berlin in September, a half marathon and most likely Munich marathon in October...I need to get a good marathon time down...
And I am really proud of my boy these days, he did a kids tri (100m-4KM-1KM) last week and finished 4th and won a race yesterday...he is really rocking it...
Challenge Roth race report is now online in the reports section...This time I will also do a German language version...;-)

Irondad is an ironman!
I did it, exactly one week before my 40th birthday a dream came true. I finished my first ironman distance race, the challenge Roth. In the end no broken rips nor cramping calves could stop me from finishing in (to be honest) slower than anticipated 12 hours 34 minutes and 19 seconds.
An indepth report will follow in the reports section soon...stay tuned.

race week or pain is temporary - glory is forever
6 days to go, 6 more days of tapering and also rest for my rips...
These past 7 days I have been taking it easy...I am planing to do an easy open water session on Tuesday and a short bike/run brick on Wednesday to wake my body up and get ready for the big day!
The severe rip cage pain turns out to be three broken rips (7-9) according to the doc...well this means swimming and running at Challenge Roth are going to be a real challenge...:-)
Race reports are up to date...Last test went great despite the fact that on the way to the swim start on my bike I missed a barrier tape...when I finally saw it and tried to stop I flipped over
my bike, with the result of a bruised knee, shoulder and severe pain in my left rip cage...oh well got to deal with this now...Only 13 days left untill the big day...
Last Test
Well 2morrow is the last test before my big day. I am going to do the sprint at my ''home'' triathlon (Unterallgaeu Tri). I had some serious about what to do, the sprint or the olympic distance, but decided to take it easy and do the sprint two weeks out from Challenge Roth.
TriStar 111, Germany in Worms went really great and I will put up a race report next week!
In the meanwhile I also did a 5k open water swim (Lake Rottachsee open water swim) and was very happy withn the result (1:40:02)...
Race Week
First Tri of the season coming up this sunday...some shorter distance sessions this week to taper a bit and I should be ready...Cant't wait...

Challenge Roth Training Day
Last Sunday we tarveled to the Challenge Roth ''grounds'', an open training day was schduled and hosted by Professional Endurance Team and Team Challenge Roth...Little D and grandfolks went off to the Playmobil Funpark and I had a fun day with my Facebook friend Achim Schoenhoff.
First part included one round on the bike leg including a look at the swim start and finish line. So after round about 95Ks we went off to have a look at the run course up to the second trun around. Well everybody was able to run at ones own pace and I ended up doing 23Ks...Somehow I hadn't realizied what ''second turn around'' actually meant ;-)
Thanks to the organizers and I am looking forward to July!

Good start...
had a great start into this years race season...NPB at the Kempten Halfmarathon in 1:40:37...race report coming soon!
Updates... has been going really well...even got some good bike mileage done, despite how early it is into the season...also had some good brick sessions already...First ''speed'' test coming up this Sunday with the Kempten halfmarathon...looking forward to it!
In order to make it a bit more interesting I will ride the bike down to Kempten (about 25 miles)...

Dirty Race 10, Corssduathlon, Murr, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany 5-15-4, January 29th, 2011
Wednesday an old friend of mine asked me if I wanted to jump in for a friend of his, who had got sick, to do a crossduathlon race...W e l l I said, I have not really been on a MTB ever before and my ride is more than 15 years old...No probs he said...So on Thursday I decided to do it...
After having taken a look at the competitors line up I got a bit scared...Norman Stadler, Lothar Leder, Michael Gö much for a small race in the middle of nowhere...
On race day it was cold but sunny and my plan was to take it easy on the first run part (5Ks), then do ok on the MTB and try to race hard on the second run...Plan didn't work out...I started about one min. per K faster than I had planned but felt good, so I kept the pace...the bike part was tough, two laps with a steep climb and a hilly, muddy rest...(after the frist lap I knew why it is called Dirty Race) after T2 I felt still good and for the first time ever in a race I started passing people (usually I get passed by people on the run...) and did not get passed once! I ended up finishing in 113th place of the men in 1:31:54...(23:36-49:03-19:15)
It was a great, new experience, especially since I had done it without any prep, after a regular training week...I did find outone thing though: I don't like to play (ride a bike) in the mud ;-)
Training is going well so far...doing lots of running and swimming Ks...also started to some indoor cycle Ks...
Oh btw little D is training to get the 50m swim down so he can start at the Junior Challange in Roth on July 9th, 2011; one day before my big race...;-)
To finish off the year I decided to do the Kempten New Years Eve run as a training session...48:09 my second best official time on 10Ks...not bad at all...
Nov. has started again...foot seams to be ok...slowly getting the hang of it again...and exciting times ahead...

Off season leisure activities...hiking with D, and my Dad in Tyrol, Hahnenkamm 1928 m (6.358 feet)...beautiluk day in the mountains! Some breathtaking views above the clouds...
Oct. 2010 Ok season is over...unfortunatly I could not do Munich Marathon due to my sore tendon at my left ankle...took two weeks completely off now but will start working out again next week...can't wait...
Short city race (Stadtlauf Memmingen) coming up this weekend. Still have this pain in my leg...(at least it's not a shin splint)...but prep for Munich marathon is going ok...

Last Tri for this years season. An awesome and very fast olympic distance race in Kitzingen, Germany. Good Tri race season with 2 half distances and 3 olympic ones...some recovery time now to get focused again and then time to get ready for the Munich marathon...Race reports will be updated shortly...sorry for the delay.
Finished my second half distance tri without hurting too bad...I decided to throw in another olympic distance tri as a season one more to go...race report from Immenstadt to follow soon!

Race week, Königsbrunn Tri is over, a bit faster then last year, also the swim leg wasn't what I had expected it to be...overall I am happy with the result considering the 33 degress Celsius, which made especially the running a lot of fun ;-)
I did it, I signed up for my first full distance Ironman, the Challenge Roth next year...the entry fee for IM Switzerland was just ridiculous high...
and another season highlight coming up: the Allgäu Classic Half Tri in Immenstadt with a brutal bike course - looking forward to Saturday and 1280m of climbing :-)
Rottachsee swim was canceled due to the bad weather conditions and will be held July 10th...not sure if I can be there...

Mission accomplished...finished my first Ironman 70.3...proud of myself.

Perfect start (and shape test) into the 2010 season with a NPB at the Kempten Half Marathon...
back in training for two weeks now after a three week layoff due to a sinus cold (it is actually still bothering me but at least I can workout)...Did my first combined biking/running session today and it felt quite good...

Well, here it is my ''new'' old bike pimped by Fabian Richter and Georg Nett of Rad & Rollercenter Heiss, Memmingen.
Minor changes on the design, starting to realy like it...
2010 race schedule updated...
Well I am currently looking for partners, maybe sponsors who are interested in supporting a non professional but very determined triathlete...unfortunatly our sport isn't the cheapest...
Inquiries regarding clothing, nutrition or anything that helps are greatly welcome and appreciated.