Short bio

Why ''irondad'', well my little 4 year old boy said to me a couple days ago:
''Daddy you are an ironman, right!?''...
I had to smile and answered:
''well Daddy isn't one quite yet but giving it all to become one...''
I am a caring, single Dad, an american studies major, owner of a protective services company and a motivated age group athlete, based in southern Germany.
After having been a competetive bodybuilder some 16 years ago, having gotten out of shape and being overweight just a bit, I was looking for a new challenge back in 2007, mainly to loose some weight.
I found it. Since I had been fascinated with triathlon for a long time I decided to have a go at it. Never having done any endurance sports before in my life, I decided to live my dream.
I started running on a treadmill for one year before I hit the streets. I had always been a descent swimmer, so swimming wasn't an issue and I got me a cheap roadbike...this was the begining...
So here I am now, 60 pounds lighter, having finished numerous sprint and olympic distance triathlons, some half-marathons and marathons, a couple of Ironman 70.3 and two ironman distance triathlons.
I managed to fullfill one of my dreams by finishing my first full distance Ironman race; the Challenge Roth, July 10th, 2011; one week before I turned 40.
My personal best at the ironman distance stands at 11.35:30 now and that's just the begining, my dream has just started...
...anything is possible...see you on Big Island one of these days!
HD June 2012

Another shot of these past times, yes indeed I've come a long way.